Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday's Mother Day Surprise

Mark had a surprise trip planned for today for Mother's Day. We went to Springfield (which is about 50 miles away), ate at Galloway Station and made a personalized Pottery item from FireHouse Pottery with Kasey's hand print on it. We were going to ride bikes, but it ended up being a cold and rainy day. But we had a great time anyway. I got some good shots too!

Kasey was ready to go, he had never seen the bikes on the jeep before. He hurt his hand on something on the bikes and wanted Mommy to kiss it. Wouldn't it be so sweet if I could kiss all of his hurts away? Life would be so simple!

This is at the FireHouse Pottery, we painted a little pencil box, it's a purple color with black specs, once they fire it, the purple will be really bright. Here it just looks white, but it was actually a light purple. We painted Kasey's hand black and then put it on the front. He was so good, they were impressed with what a good hand print we got.
Here's the pencil box. We put Kasey's name on the back of it and Nicky's name.
While Nicky and I were painting, Kasey wanted to play outside in the rain. So he and Daddy had to stand outside and play. When I went out to get them to get Kasey's hand print, Kasey was running around with a green water bucket. Nicky took this picture, he had the cutest look on his face. He's cutting a couple of teeth and seems to be having a lot of saliva right now (which is why his sweatshirt is really wet.. )
We stopped at Sequoia Park and fed the ducks and geese some left over popcorn. They ate right out of Mark's hand.
Kasey tried to get them to eat out of his too. One of them hissed at him and he just looked at them like they were crazy and threw the popcorn at them. He was really funny.
Then here are the kids sleeping in the backseat coming home. It was a long day for them!

Well, that's it for today. Happy Mother's Day everyone! Happy Mother's Day Mom! You are the best and I am lucky to have you in my life and Kasey to have you for a Grandma!!!


1 comment:

Kristie said...

Oh, it looks like you had a wonderful day!!!! I love the photos they are very precious!