Monday, May 19, 2008

Back Porch "Take Two" and "P" Key Quit!!!

Well, I was going to show this "Take Two" of the Play Center Back Porch, but as I was trying to update on my new Dell laptop, the "P" key quit working!! Can you believe that? So I had to call Dell and request a new keyboard. It should be here Wednesday and then I will replace it! It's really simple to do and Dell always has really good step-by-step instructions. I think Mark did something today to it, but he said he didn't!! He was trying to do a search for some medicine he takes and it started with P so he couldn't look it up. I guess we can copy and paste the P in any time we want to use it, but what a cumbersome thing to do!

Well, here's "Take Two" on the play center back porch. Mark went to Lowe's and got a big rope and tied it on the awning of the porch and hung the tire swing on it. Then he laid out all the puzzle floor mats. I think it all looks so nice. The floor mats will only make it one season, but they will help Kasey cushion when he falls. Kasey is really enjoying the sand box too.

We rode scooters out to some friends house tonight, Stephanie and Doyle, and went to eat at a little restaurant out in the country. I need to take some scooter pictures and some scenery that we see during our ride. It's really pretty. Next time we go out, I'll take my camera with me. Stephanie has been reading my blog but she hasn't started one of her own. I'm hoping that she will leave a comment for me sometime! Stephanie has a scooter too.

I am going to ride the scooter to work next week and log my mileage and gas down and see how much it cost me. The scooter gets about 80 miles to a gallon. I probably ride it a little too hard, so might not get that good.

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