Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dogwood Tree and Sleeping Kasey

This was a Dogwood Tree at my Mom's house. I thought it was really pretty. We took Kasey to Mom's while we went to a City Council meeting. As we drove up the hill, he yelled, "yeah, yeah" and clapped his hands. When we went to pick him up, he and Grandma were on the couch, Kasey sleeping away. They were so cute. I think she had been sitting with him like that for at least an hour.

1 comment:

Michelle' said...

This dogwood tree reminds me of the ones I saw in Paducah when I went to the big Quilt Show. I went on the drive through all the dogwood showings at peoples homes, it was pretty spectacular. Genny and Von went to Paducah this last weekend. Maybe we should go sometime in the next year or two!
Your mom and Kasey look so sweet - that's a keeper! I wish Cooper had as much fun at my moms as Kasey does at your moms. I never take him anymore because all he did was cry off and on until I got back. I just can't do that to him. But I'm sure Kasey gets way more attention than Cooper got so it makes all the difference.