Thursday, August 07, 2008

My New Cell Phone!!!

I got a new phone! It's a Touch by HTC through Sprint. I will say I am not a fan of Sprint, I had all sorts of trouble getting the right information from Sprint, I wanted to be able to use the phone as modem to get Internet on my laptop, they told me 2 times that my plan had that, but when I tried to get it to work, it didn't work. So I called in and they said "Oh, no, your plan doesn't have that". Jeez... They are annoying.

But this phone is SOOOO cool, I get Sprint TV on it, all sorts of cool Internet options, it show the weather on it, scrolling news items. I am sure the battery won't last too long, but it's great. I also signed up for Audible Air Book, and I can download books to listen to. The plan is that I would walk to get some exercise while I listen to a book, but I haven't done so great yet with it. Although I did ride 4 miles on my bike tonight.

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