Thursday, June 05, 2008

I Won! I Won! I Won!!!

I am so excited. I actually won something off a blog posting. Kristie drew my name from 58 people who posted on her site! You can click on the link and see the stuff she is going to send me. All quilting goodies!!! I can't wait to get it. Kristie lives in Kentucky and I just love reading her blog. She is such a great quilter and is always busy with her family, I don't know how she quilts as much as she does.

Still haven't heard anything about my laptop yet. I hope it can be saved.

Thank you, Kristie!!!!


Kristie said...

Congrats to you!!! I will get this out in the mail within the next few days!

Michelle' said...

WAY TO GO KELLY - I knew you were wanting to win! You will have to share to those who are nearby 'wink-wink'.